Bisexual Memes: 31 Best Bisexual Memes for the LGBTQ+ Community

If you've ever found yourself laughing at the unique experiences of being attracted to more than one gender, then you're going to love these memes. From navigating the confusion of dating to the struggles of explaining your sexuality, these memes cover it all. Whether you're bisexual yourself or just appreciate a good laugh, these memes are sure to brighten your day. And if you're looking for more ways to spice up your love life, check out the ultimate sex bench for a fun and exhilarating time in the bedroom!

In recent years, the LGBTQ+ community has become increasingly visible in popular culture. With the rise of social media, memes have become a popular way for individuals to express their identity and connect with others who share similar experiences. Bisexual memes, in particular, have become a popular form of self-expression and humor for those who identify as bisexual.

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The Bisexual Experience

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For many individuals who identify as bisexual, there are unique challenges and experiences that come with their sexual orientation. Bisexual individuals often face stereotypes and misconceptions from both the heterosexual and homosexual communities. Bisexual memes serve as a way for individuals to navigate and address these challenges while also providing a sense of community and understanding.

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Exploring the Best Bisexual Memes

1. "When you're attracted to both the waiter and the waitress."

This meme humorously captures the experience of being attracted to individuals of multiple genders in a relatable and lighthearted way.

2. "Me trying to explain my sexuality to my grandparents."

Many bisexual individuals can relate to the struggle of explaining their sexual orientation to older generations who may not fully understand or accept non-traditional identities.

3. "When you're bisexual and your partner asks if you find someone attractive."

This meme playfully highlights the misconception that bisexual individuals are more likely to be unfaithful or attracted to everyone they encounter.

4. "Me: I'm attracted to men and women. Friend: So you just have twice as many options, right?"

This meme humorously addresses the misconception that being bisexual means having an easier time finding a partner, when in reality, it can come with its own set of challenges.

5. "When straight girls say they're 'bi-curious.'"

Many bisexual individuals can relate to the frustration of straight individuals using bisexuality as a trend or phase, rather than a legitimate sexual orientation.

6. "When you find out someone you're interested in is also bisexual."

This meme captures the excitement and validation that comes with finding a potential partner who shares the same sexual orientation.

7. "When someone asks if being bisexual means you're 'greedy.'"

This meme addresses the harmful stereotype that bisexual individuals are promiscuous or greedy, when in reality, they are simply attracted to individuals of multiple genders.

8. "When you're bisexual and someone says, 'But you were in a straight relationship.'"

This meme humorously highlights the misconception that being in a relationship with someone of a different gender erases a person's bisexual identity.

9. "When you're attracted to a celebrity and then find out they're also bisexual."

This meme captures the excitement and sense of connection that comes with discovering a well-known figure who shares the same sexual orientation.

10. "When someone asks if being bisexual means you're just confused."

This meme addresses the harmful misconception that bisexuality is a phase or a result of confusion, rather than a valid and legitimate sexual orientation.

11. "When someone assumes your bisexuality is just a phase."

This meme humorously addresses the frustration that comes with others assuming bisexuality is temporary or not a true identity.

12. "When someone asks if being bisexual means you're 'undecided.'"

This meme addresses the harmful stereotype that bisexual individuals are indecisive or unable to commit to a specific sexual orientation.

13. "When someone asks if being bisexual means you're 'half gay, half straight.'"

This meme humorously captures the misconception that bisexuality is a blend of homosexuality and heterosexuality, rather than its own distinct sexual orientation.

14. "When you come out as bisexual and someone asks, 'But you've only dated [insert gender].'"

This meme addresses the misconception that a person's dating history determines their sexual orientation, rather than their internal feelings and attractions.

15. "When someone asks if being bisexual means you're 'just experimenting.'"

This meme humorously addresses the harmful stereotype that bisexuality is a phase or a form of experimentation, rather than a legitimate sexual orientation.

Navigating Bisexual Identity

Bisexual memes serve as a powerful tool for individuals to navigate and address the challenges and misconceptions that come with their sexual orientation. Through humor and relatability, these memes provide a sense of community and understanding for those who identify as bisexual.


In the age of social media, memes have become a popular form of self-expression and humor for the LGBTQ+ community. Bisexual memes, in particular, serve as a way for individuals to navigate and address the unique challenges and misconceptions that come with their sexual orientation. By sharing relatable and lighthearted content, bisexual memes provide a sense of community and understanding for those who identify as bisexual, while also challenging harmful stereotypes and misconceptions.